The disgraceful behaviour of the primitives in Tangerang towards that splendid young lady Dewi Persik deserves our interest. Ross urges readers to support sexy dangdut singer Dewi Persik. We who are guests in this country may not participate in demos or political manifestations of any sort, and that's fair enough. Memang link unduh ke web tujuan tuh lagi rusak!, klo upload yep disini mah nggk cukup. Dangdut is now establishment entertainment.Īndre7000 wrote:jangan upload kalau link nya hanya untuk jual jamu. Haji Rhoma Irama (he of frequent matings fame) set himself up as the King of Dangdut and has done his utmost to cling to the crown, not least by demonising the up-and-coming Inul, who won popularity for dancing sexily (though Inul has not to my knowledge ever appeared scantily clad -I’m open to correction on this).
Sanitised forms only were permitted on tv when it first came into vogue among the non-wong cilik. For a long time, dangdut (again like C and W) was infra dig, according to most Indonesians I’ve talked to. I learned a lot there, a fair recompense for picking up the tab at the end of an evening with my pribumi companions. The singers there were typical penyanyi2 dangdut, slinky, recklessly attired, splendid examples of archipelagic womanhood. In my first year here, friendly locals took me to a place in Manggarai, which may well still be there- ’twas named the Sinegar, I believe. As a long-term dangdut fan ( I regard it as Country and Eastern my lifelong taste for Nashville’s music translated rapidly into appreciation of the same kind of twangy, ‘achey-breaky heart’ lyrics that Indonesia’s masses love) I have taken a continuing interest in the art-form. You could see kiddies and grannies enjoying the sense of occasion on TPI’s Kontes Dangdut Indonesia, but there was nothing erotic going on for them -it was simply fun. One adjusts one’s style and manner to the occasion. How Cousin Lester does the waltz with his auntie will, probably, hopefully, be quite sedate. I found this surprising – much of dancing in all countries is a form of mating ritual, surely, and we don’t have to go back only to the Twist – Great-Grandma’s Charleston springs to mind – to recognise this. Yep Dan Ppi Dangdut Clower Downy Fabric.One good reason, therefore, for solidarity with Dewi Perssik. Much as Cromwell’s grim republic banned May Day and the festive celebration of Christmas in the mid-17th Century. What I think we are seeing in the fanatics’ threats against and abuse of the sensual divas is merely a manifestation of certain Islamists’ war on the basic, earthy, enjoyable character of Indonesia. And that is what the kill-joys can’t stand.

Yet in the kampungs, a key part of dangdut performance has surely always been its provocative element. YEP DAN PPI DANGDUT CLOWER DOWNLy Average ratng: 4,0/5 7441 votes